Who said it has to be flashy?

 And so I am arguing that in the coming age of scarcity, the focus of the designer needs to shift away from simply using less, as under the rule of austerity, to understanding the constitution of scarcity — where and why and how resources are lacking — and grappling with this in a creative manner. - Jeremy Till 

Social justice is defined as justice in terms fo the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. 

I really enjoyed the readings and my research on Sam Mockbee. He was an incredible guy. Mockbee did a lot to help struggling people in Hale County. His projects here catch my eye because they aren’t millionaire projects or buildings with high end finishes. His projects in Hale County really focused on providing for the needs of those who just needed a “place”. Mockbee was truly designing for the need of his client. I think when you see his projects it really raises the question of, “why do we define good architecture the way we do”? Good architecture doesn’t have to be showy and flashy. Good architecture can be simple and simply suffice the needs of the client.


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