This Week Got Me Like


“We perceive atmosphere through our emotional sensibility-  a form of perceptions that works incredibly quickly,” a quote by Peter Zumthor in Atmospheres.

These perceptions he listed as follows: the body of architecture, material compatibility, the sound of space, the temperature of a space, the surrounding objects, between composure and seduction, tension between interior and exterior, levels of intimacy, and the light on things. The area of focus that I will discuss more on will be the topic of “tension between interior and exterior.” I bring this up now because this week we are putting together wall sections and solidifying the exterior of our buildings.

A quote by Zumthor I find amusing it “the façade also says: but I am not going to show you everything. Sure, there are things inside but you go and mind your own business.” Here brings the question of privacy and how much are we willing to show in our designs. We design not only for the client but also for the public. Here lies the dialogue of what should be shown and why. For example it is appropriate to display a storefront with large glass walls but not that of the likes of a locker room for example. So the question I ask is what Are we allowing to show and why?


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