Zumthor + Atmosphere


This was the first project that I was every exposed to by Peter Zumthor and I was instantly struck by how he can bring a particular atmosphere to his projects just through his use of light and material alone. Without knowing the context or project specific programs, he sets the scene for the type of atmosphere that should be communicated within the architecture.

For instance, the first look of the Feldkapelle creates a moment of pause and reflection. Why is this large tower in the middle of a field? What is it? Then as the user walks up reflecting on the choices this architecture has made, Zumthor has already got you. He already has you contemplating and reflecting on things before you even realize that it is a chapel or seen from the inside. Then as you step into the interior the directionality of the burned inside guides the view directly up to the sky gesturing towards the heavens. This idea of setting an atmosphere is something Zumthor does expertly and it's shown through every project he creates.

The same could be said for his Therme Vals. The building’s soft indirect light and smooth surfaces create a relaxing atmosphere that then allows the users to begin the relaxation process before they even step into the baths. These types of atmospheres are expertly crafted through his use of light from the small slits that light peeks through in the thermal vals to the open sky contrasted with the scorched interior of the feldkapelle chapel.



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