Stick to the Status Quo

Quoted from Samuel Mockbee, he believes that “architects should always be in the initial critical decision-making position in order to challenge the power of the status quo.” This is something that really held some weight as I continued to think about what my personal motive is when it comes to what kind of architect that I want to be. In the sense of making decisions, this is a true point where a position is taken and a point of view is projected. The responsibility for an architect to understand what is all at stake and make a decision for others is something that holds a great sense of responsibility for me. I somewhat already feel this sense of pressure to set the tone for a progressive future in whatever design strategies that I create. 

Although it could pose stress and at times inevitable failure, I think there is beauty in this opportunity for the architect to hold. If anyone is given this power I would very much agree that the architect is who I would want to trust the most. I think that this profession is incredible at understanding, we may not always know the right answer but we work our hardest and will always know where to find that right answer. The architect has a capability to design for a responsible environment, we are the ones that get to make the best educated decisions. Depending on our analysis of what is needed in a design problem, we can continue or reverse the status quo.


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