Taking Politics out of Life

     This post is gonna be more about me questioning if politics can be taken out of Architecture and even out of life.  First let us start with what are politics.  According to a dictionary politics can be defined as "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power".  Since politics revolves around conflict and debate this makes you think that politics are in every aspect of life and architecture.  

    Conflict and debate in my opinion is good for society.  They help create progress.  If no one debated or questioned anything then everything would never improve and change.  A good example of an architecture firm that questions things is BIG.  They question what certain designs look like and how the world views programs.  Where a program should go and how a program should occupy a space.  

    An example project is BIG's Lego building.  It is a museum dedicated to LEGO and from the outside it looks like a bunch of Lego blocks connected.  This is achieved through the use of specific materials that give off the effect of Lego blocks on the outside and skylights that represent the circular pattern on the top of Lego blocks.  The inside is filled with works of art created by master Lego builders.  The whole museum screams Lego, but if you were to ask another architect from a different time period who is to say they would design something unique and almost childish. 

    These are important questions that we all should ask for every design we do.  If every new generation for every field questions how something is done and if it can be done better then the efficiency will surely increase and the methods will be more refined.  

    This does not mean that I think politics are bad.  I think they are good and they are a part of everyday life.  Politics exist in school, work, and life.  It effects how we make decisions and can change as we experience new things in life so I think we need to experience as much as we can.  This will allow us to make our own decisions on those experiences.  So let us go out and questions the politics of everything and change the world for the better.


  1. I really do appreciate your honest criticism with politics, Joe. Though many people have their own interpretation of what politics are, I think we can all agree that architectural design is certainly a political act. Samuel Mockbee had a similar view on architecture in that there is a responsibility to design for the better of one's community. Your focus on learning how to make one's own decisions is interesting too. Having more experiences throughout life will certainly aid in this valuable life lesson.


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