Participatory Manifesto
I think that the reason I was disappointed in the reading this week was that I had higher expectations for the emotional draw and excitement than the authors were giving me. De Carlo and Till spent a lot of time explaining their feelings instead of inciting emotion in the reader.
The topic of participatory architecture should be written about in a passionate way. I think it has the potential to be a new epoch and a new way of thinking but it needs to be presented to readers in that way; like a Manifesto.
I wanted Giancarlo De Carlo to of course explain the history of the profession to me (like he did and I appreciated that) but then I wanted him to demand a new way of practice from me! To tell me this is how you interact with users and this is how you make people participate and your contribution will be defined as "A" and theirs will be defined as "B". I wanted him to tell me that instead of a dictator I was a spiritual guide in the world of design.
I also would has accepted this from Aravena or Till.
I think that this topic deserves a more passionate front line in written words and instructions. Perhaps this is just the shift in thinking and one of the Indigo Pine team members will write a participatory architecture manifesto one day. Then I will be satisfied.
"I want you to design for the user and integrate them into the design process!"
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