Tactical Material Choice for Greener Architecture
This week's topics on how architecture can be used as a tool for social justice were very interesting to me. The lectures provided various methods to create architecture that serves the people in a very sophisticated way. The concept that stood out to me most was the idea of scarcity as an alternative material approach. Much of the time I instinctively go straight for new materials when designing, however this is a methodology I would love to try out and work towards in my own professional career. This paired with critical regionalism’s focus on traditional solutions and local materials is a forward thinking concept that would be the perfect fit for the architecture of today's society. By paying careful attention to what and how materials are used as well as the source would help to alleviate some of the environmental pressure modern architecture inflicts on the world. Implementing recycling and reuse into the process of new builds is just another step towards greener building practices.
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